Hi, I worked all day to get my stupid computer working so I could attach a photo of my saddleback puffer. If anyone has an idea of what might be wrong with him I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
Not to sure what is wrong with him. He looks fine in the picture. Is he eating? Are your water parameters all good? How long have you had the fish? What are you feeding?
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 20 ppm
ph - 8.0
specific gravity - 1.023
He eats well - shrimp and krill.
2 raised bumps on each side of his head.
No other problems with the fish in the tank.
Are you referring to the spot way below the eye, near the bulging belly?
Did this occur gradually, or suddenly? Are the spots in exactly the same place on both sides?
Yes, I am talking about the area under his eye. The fish had this below his left eye when I purchased him and the second one developed about a week later. The second one is the same size but about a quarter of an inch lower.
I'm honestly not sure what that might be, especially since it is developing on both sides of the face.
Is that spot raised, or flat? Is the color reddish?
Thanks a lot for the replies. The spot is raised like a bubble and pinkish in color. I'm pretty new to this hobby and I didn't know if it was some sort of parasite? The fish seems healthy. I just don't want to lose it.