Puffer Exploded


New Member
New to this forum. I had a porcupine puffer who died recently and was wondering if anyone else has ever had this problem.
I have a 75 gl tank established in February. Several of my fish had ich so I decided to dip them all in a chemical solution (cannot remember the name) to rid the ick. I carefully took puffer out of my tank and put him in the treated bucket. Chemical was mixed with salt water from the tank. Puffer must have gotten frightened and he blew up. When this happened a clear sac appeared under his belly. I noticed both water and air in the sac so I held him under till he relaxed and puffed down. Noticed some excess skin under his belly at this point. I put him back in the regular tank and he did not look well. He died 12 hours later. Seems he blew out his underbelly when he puffed up.
Any ideas why this happened? He was the sweetest fish, more like a pet than the others I have.
75 gal tank
protein skimmer
carbon filtration system
live rock
live sand
2 blue damsels
yellow tank
maroon clown
star fish
He unfortunately has already passed but curious none the less. I want to get another one ASAP!


Staff member
You can not remove a pufferfish from water, else this can happen. Do you still have ich? Dips don't cure ich. If you still need help with ich, then stick to this forum. But, for more info on puffers and their care, head on over to the Aggressive Forum.
In fact, I'll copy your thread over there.
Welcome to SWF.com! :D


Active Member
When I have to move my puffer I use a clear plastic container about twice as big as he is. I use a net to usher him into the container then lift the container gently out of the tank. I've moved him a few times this way, and he never fully puffed. He would start to puff, but normally settled in a couple of seconds. Also when I get my fish from the LFS I make them catch the fish this way.
While puffers do have a lot of personality keep in mind that the dog face, and porcupine get rather large, and will eventually outgrow a 75 gallon tank. Also be sure to feed properly. They should be fed frozen foods such as krill, silversides, frozen fish, and shrimp.


New Member
Thanks so much for the advise. I researched the Puffer more, unfortunately only after he died, and found out about removing in some type of clear container. I now know.
I did feed him frozen brine. We actually feed flake one day and brine the next. He only seemed to eat on brine days. He apparently did not like the flake. Is it ok for him to feed everyother day or should I make other arrangements when I get another puffer? All of my other fish will eat both and would not like to change to frozen brine everyday.
Typically, how large do puffers get? I had no idea he would outgrown my tank in a short period of time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
How large they get really depends on the species. I've seen porcupine puffers in the wild that where well over a foot long. I've seen some in captivity up to a foot long. The largest dogface that I've seen was around 10". Some people say they get to about a foot. They do grow slowly, and one should be fine in a 75 for at least a couple of years, if you get one on the small side.
I feed mine every other day. He would eat everyday if I offered it to him. You really want to feed something more of a variety. Brine shrimp doesn't have a lot of nutritional value. Try feeding frozen shrimp, krill, silversides, and fish. They will be picky at 1st, but they will eventually ween to these foods. Also look into soaking foods in zoe, it's a vitamin supplement. You really should vary the diet of your existing fish as well.


New Member
Thanks for the feeding advise. I am going to hopefully pick up another puffer this week and will get some different kinds of food as well while I am there.
Thanks for all your help.


Originally Posted by StacyT
How large they get really depends on the species. I've seen porcupine puffers in the wild that where well over a foot long. I've seen some in captivity up to a foot long. The largest dogface that I've seen was around 10". Some people say they get to about a foot. They do grow slowly, and one should be fine in a 75 for at least a couple of years, if you get one on the small side.
I feed mine every other day. He would eat everyday if I offered it to him. You really want to feed something more of a variety. Brine shrimp doesn't have a lot of nutritional value. Try feeding frozen shrimp, krill, silversides, and fish. They will be picky at 1st, but they will eventually ween to these foods. Also look into soaking foods in zoe, it's a vitamin supplement. You really should vary the diet of your existing fish as well.
Stacy I have had a dfpuffer for 3 weeks and I have been feeding him three krill in the morning and the afternoon...too much?
He is 4 inches long,
thanks for any reply