Puffer fish for reef tank?


New Member
I'm creating a 65 gal soft coral reef tank. Is there any type of Puffer fish that I could safely keep in this tank? I know some varieties eat hard coral, but are Puffer fish compatible with soft corals and/or LPS?
Thanks for any help you can give me with this!


Active Member
My pick (cuz I have one )
Basically any 'toby' puffer will work. Toby puffers are puffers in the Canthigaster
genus. They only grow to about 4", and would be a good fit for a 65gal. They probably will nip at your smaller inverts. Small snails/hermits, but should leave larger shrimp alone. Mine did nip branching SPS, but left my monti caps, softies, and LPS alone. I suspect he was trying to grind his teeth down. They should be feed a meaty diet. White shrimp (raw), clams, scallops, mysis, etc.


New Member
AquaKnight: Thanks so much for the terrific info and links! Sounds like it's the calcium of the SPS coral that the puffers gnaw on - probably to grind down their teeth. I had a hunch that the LPS and soft coral might not be as much of a problem with certain puffers such as the toby puffers. Thanks again for your help! :)
Mech-a-nic: Thanks for that info on the problem with snails, hermits, and shrimp!


Active Member
It will also potentially be an issue with seastars and brittlestars. Even small "nips" to these can be bad.