puffer fish


New Member
I am thinking about getting a valentin puffer fish. In my tank a have xenia, a brain, mushrooms, zoos, 2 feather dusters. and ricordia. Fish I have a flame angel, royal gamma, damsil, clown fish, 6 line wrasse, hippo tang, antheis, and a cleaner shrimp. I know there is a potential for him to eat the cleaner shrimp but do you see a problem with any of the other livestock I have in my tank? any information would be greatly appreciated. :jumping:


I had a Hawaiian spotted puffer that would go after inverts and corals. You might get lucky and find one that is more docile. My guess would be the cleaner shrimp is a gonner.


Active Member
I would avoid the Valentini. They are for a semi-aggressive/agressive tank only, and may eat any crustaceans, inverts, and possibly corals that you have.
Valentinis are GREAT fish though. I had one years ago in an aggressive tank. They have tons of personality. One drawback is that if they die they release toxins in the water that can nuke your whole tank.


Really? what about hawaiian spotted puffers? do they release toxins? I thought those were cowfish/boxfish? I have a spotted puffer in my tank with no corals and if I had what you have in your tank i wouldn't buy that puffer you want. He will eat your corals and inverts, even though they are so cool and have great personality.