Puffer Fish


I am getting a 125gal and I want to know how many fish will go in there? Im getting to tank very soon and using ot water from other tanks to cycle fast. The lfs is holding a red v. lionfish and a spotted dogface puffer for me that they got in today. Both are about 6-8". I have a big snowflake eel in my 55 gal. I want ot put him in the 125 with the other fish. Do you think he will mess with them? What other puffers get kinda big that I can put in there? What other fish will do good with these? Will a grouper work?


The eel would be fine.Only one puffer in a tank.A grouper would be alright.Harlequin tusks are nice.I hope you have good filtration for these big messy eaters.


Yu can only put 1 puffer in a tank? I didnt know that. I thought you could mix types of puffers.


Active Member
No way should you ever add more then one or mix types of Puffs. The problems associated with doing that are to horrible to contemplate lol. Really one to a tank. I like the Puff-Eel thing the Lion is a gamble but if it works that would be a good tank and frankly full considering how big these fish get. If you are interested in lots of Puffer stuff check out my homepage.


Thnx I am glad I found that out be4 I added 2 of them. Is there any other fish I can put in the 125 with the lion and puffer?
Its not that they are all that aggressive, it is just they like live food, so if you have a fish smaller then its mouth.. it will get eaten!


I would just like to say, I just lost my most beautiful fish, a golden puffer, to a dwarf lion sting! So be forwarned about puffers and lions, I personally will not mix the two again. I had them together in a 100G. It seems to happen during feeding when the puffer gets overzealous about eating and is oblivious to the other fish around, and may bump into the lion accidentally and inadvertanly be stung. The only suggestion I have, if you have your heart set on the two fish, is to feed the lion first, usually when lions are full they will fall to the bottom, and not be around while the puffer is eating. Best of luck!