Puffer fish

My puffer eats about anything. But if he has a favorite it would be krill. He also eats squid, shrimp, silver sides and even beef heart.
what kind of puffer ?


Active Member
When I was searching for a porky, my LFS started talking about live food to feed him and basically I told him that I could not feed a fish another fish unless it was placed int he tank to swim on its own. My LFS dude told me that you had to hand feed the puffer or something and I said I couldnt' do it and asked what frozen or freeze dried stuff I could use.
I thought I gave him a heart attache, soemthing aout bad for the immune system, ich and omg what a terrible aquarist i m for dreaming of doing such a thing. I dunno, he just made a huge fuss and considering the amount of money he would have made on frozen krill and stuff, i can't imagine why else he would throw such a fit unless he really meant what he said...:rolleyes:


my g/f feeds hers sashimi grade scallops and shrimp 2~3 times a day. Hes got a death grip, bit my finger and took my hand out of the water with him still attached.:eek:
I feed mine freezedried krill and brine shrimp once in a great while. I have had mine almost a year with no problems yet.
Sarah :)


I feed my tank a little mixture of crushed freeze dried krill, frz brine shrimp, and a little chunk of frz bloodworms. I let them melt first and then put it in the current. EVERYBODY eats!!!!! Including my Valenti Puffer (I've had him 7 months and he stayed under 4 inches) A little later in the day I hand feed freeze dried krill.....eating first will be the Puffer and the Flame Hawk. The Puffer just eats big chunks right from my fingers , but the Flame likes to bite and rip it away. This leaves my Tang and O Clown to eat whats falling away. THEN it's lunch time for my Snowflake eel. He swims into my hand which I have cupped and eats about 5 or 6 shrimp (they're little ones).....some days he might not eat, others he may have 9 or 10.....but he ALWAYS swims into my hand and laces himself through my fingers. The kids in the neighbor hood like to come over after school to watch....I'd try to charge them a little admission for the show....but they have no money...either!!! loving my tank!!!!! terry


yeah i have been feeding my puffer frozen krill, frozen brine shrimp, and blood worms since i have had him.
I figure if frozen food was that bad then there wouldnt be such a big market for it.