puffer food


New Member
Where can I get the clams and other food for my puffer. I am feeding some frozen marine cusine and i want to try different.


Active Member
You can get Clams, Scallops, Prawn, Crab, etc.. fresh from your grocery store and freeze it. Some LFS also sell this stuff whole and frozen. I feed mine whole Silversides, sliced Crab and Prawn, whole krill, and live Ghost Shrimp.


New Member
Speaking of puffers? I just bought the smallest puffer I have ever seen, it's a leopard puffer and it's tiny. I put it in my 125 tank. What's the best food to feed it for maximum growth?


Active Member
Puffers should have a varied diet, 5-6 different foods. Make sure some foods are hard shelled as it will groom their teeth. It also helps to soak their food in vitamin water.


By vitamin water, do you mean the mineral water sold by the bottle in stores? I've heard this helps with calcium deficiencies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
No, vitamin supplement like Selcon.
Great stuff. IMO, variety of food and vitamins are a main reason for long-term success with all fish--but especially larger carnivores; like puffers, lions, triggers, etc.