puffer in community tank


Im thinking about adding a puffer (dog) into a community tank..I currently have a lion(Ive heard about puffers running into lions and dying) But Ill soon have a large naso streamer, queen angel and harliquin task...the tank is 160 gallons...
Anyone have any problems with there puffers messing with other large fish?


what kind of lion is it?? puffer are nromally really stupid, cute but stupid. Don't get me wrong i love puffers esp porcs, but man are they dumb most of the time. So the only thing that you have in the tank at this point is a lion? becareful about adding all those large fish quickly. Most o hose fish get quite large, so your 160 in the end my not be big enough. What kind of filtration do you have? Most of those fish (lion/puffer and even the big queens) are agressive and produce ALOT of waste so you have to have the filters be it LR and LS or mechanical to handel it.


Von- My 160 has 50lbs of LR plus a wet/dry for a
300g tank with protien skimmer. I also have a 25watt UV sterilizer.I also have a 2 rainbow filter on top of this.(1 mechnical,1chemical) So I think I have filtration covered....
Anthem- Yes I have heard they would pick the fins on lion fish..I have an xlarge sized volitan..I figure if I get a smaller puffer the lion should be ok. What do you think?


New Member
I have an 8" lionfish and a 5" puffer. They have lived together for a long time -- No Problem


New Member
I had a 7" lion and a 4" stars and stripes puffer and they lived together fine. No agression from either one. Neither seemed to care about the other but they both loved goldfish.