puffer + lion fish

is it possible to keep a puffer and a lion together. like a fuzzy dwarf and a valentini or other small puffer? and if so wat size tank would i need. 55 gallon be ok?
Id say the 55 would be more than enough. But once your lion is full grown your puffer might be in trouble. But I say do it.
its all still in the planning stage. i dont have the tank yet even. i plan on doing alot of research before i even think about starting. but what other fish do you think i would be able to add? ... no it is not going to be a reef.


Active Member
I keep a valentini and a volitan in the same tank and have no issues, but my lion is not nearly big enough yet to cause risk to the valentinis. IMO, a fully grown lion won't be able to eat a fully grown valentini.
yea i was thinking about an eel. so in a 55 i could have a valentini, a fuzzy dwarf and a snowflake eel. well time to start saving and researching. might be a while.