Has anyone been able to keep a puffer or a trigger with sometype of cleaner shrimp, like a coral banded shrimp or cleaner?
Just curious? Everything I have read so far is they will probably eat them.
My porc puffer wouldn't care if it was a cleaner shrimp or not, it would be dinner. Same with my trigger. The puffer would just swallow it whole, the trigger would take it apart piece by piece.
I actually have had a small ?spotted hawaiian puffer in with two cleaner shrimp and two fire shrimp for 6-8 months. This puffer is about 2 1/2 inches long, and is described as peaceful in swf's description, but I think you would have a hard time explaining that to the blue leg hermit crab I caught him eating once. I have only seen him eating a crab once. he has never bothered the shrimp and he does allow them to clean him....I have no idea if things will change as he grows...here he is
Then chances are good that they will eat the shrimp. Hermit crabs and snails might last a while, but puffers are experts at breaking those shells with their beaks. I definitely wouldn't pay $20+ for a shrimp to put in there.