puffer problem


I'm in the process of doing Hypo on my main tank due to Ick on my Pocupine puffer fish.
I noticed a few days ago that his mouth started to split on one side, and now its looks as if part of his lip, where the infection first started, is missing.
Its now started to doing the same on the other side of his mouth. I'm thinking that some bacteria/Fungus is eating it. You can actually see through part of this gum, when his mouth is open.
I think it might be Cotton mouth, as there is some white stuff hear where the infection is. Not sure though. The puffer is eating well as normal, and none of the other fish in the main tank show any signs.
Yesterday, I moved him to my QT, and put some Triple-sulfa in. I'm hoping this will help, again, I had to lower the QT to 1.009 before adding him.
I have checked all the parameters in the tank and everythings looks fine.
Has any one else seen this kind of infection before.
Any comments.