Puffer problems


I got a new porcupine puffer about 4 days ago.He doesn't seem to be eating yet.At least not brine.I know it says meaty eater.What should I feed him and how do I get him to eat??


mine loves mysis shrimp, I just got hime two weeks ago. Im trying to get him to eat the silversides i got and i bought some mussels today also, well see how that goes tonight, but so far mysis shrimp has been my only success. When I feed the mysis I try to keep it clumped together, so he can get it all in one bite, hes a little slow so put it close to where he is, or my triggers will eat the food on him.

salt nate

Yeah, I just got a tiny bridled burrfish 2 days ago and hes loving it, but he is kinda slow about it and he usually only gets 2-3 per feeding(2x per day)


Very common for porcs not to eat when introduced to a new environment. I have always had luck with live foods to get them started. Need something to entice them...I went rounds with all types of frozen foods with fish to try to get them to eat, and have usually been largely unsuccessful. Live gut loaded ghost shrimp work great, then once they eat, they will eat most anything you throw in the tank. When it is eating, throw in some peas...my porc loves them...so do alot of my fish, but especially the porc.


Originally Posted by drtash
A huge hit in my tank is krill and squid
Krill can be bad for puffers...particularly the freeze dried variety. It is thought that krill if the staple and sometimes only food offered can cause lockjaw in puffers. Krill is often called "puffer crack" as some puffers when fed krill will refuse any other offerings. Couple lockjaw cases on this site and others if you look into it. I would steer away from krill. JMHO


my porc devours shrimp it's the shimp that has the shell still attached you can get it like at your seafood section at your grocery store, just make sure it is raw and you defrost it before feeding


Its good to know that about krill. I tend to use frozen. I can't get my lion to eat anything but krill. I even use feeding sticks to intice him.


Active Member
try some squid, and shell on shrimp. Also you could open a clam, and leave it in the shell, just don't leave it in for an extended period of time.


Active Member
Toss in an emerald crab! They can't resist those.. good for their beaks too. I hope you don't have that in with the shark, the puffer might pick at the shark..eek


Yes he is in with the Bamboo shark.Another rookie mistake!!!I plan on finding a larger ank or offering the bamboo to someone with suitable setup.


Originally Posted by saltygerman
I saw some mention of clams in the shell where can I find these.Also where do you get ghost shrimp?lfs?
Yeah LFS should have or be able to order the ghost shrimp, and you can get clams in any seafood dept/store

el guapo

Active Member
Just out of curiosity ? What other fish do you have in your tank ? The puffer and the shark are not a good combo . The puffer will start to pick at the shark or will possibly be so aggressive that the shark will not feed .
The shrimp should be available at your LFS . You can go to your grociery stores meat/seafood dept and buy clams,scallops, oysters,whole raw shrip that you can cut into smaller pieces . Also offer it a combination of formula 1 and formula 2 frozen cubes from ocean nutrition that you should be able to buy at your lfs . If not I know most *****'s stock it .

el guapo

Active Member
How long has it been set up ? 10 fish is getting close to a limit considering the puffer the fox and the tang are going to get fair size .


About 6 months.Also I found that if I stick the slightly thawed mysis cubes in a crevice on he lr the puffer tears it up.What do you recommend in 48" length tank 125????So I can upgrade but still use my halide light?


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
How long has it been set up ? 10 fish is getting close to a limit considering the puffer the fox and the tang are going to get fair size .
There are 7 fish total of 3 damsels I just listed what kind.