puffer question


I have a quick question about my df puffer. He has been in my 125 gal tank for about 1 1/2 months. He is hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite fish. I swear he has a personality. Here is my question...are all puffers tempermental? Whenever I add a fish, or just clean the tank, he "pouts". He sits on the sand, doesn't move at all, and changes colors to this "mottled" gray and lt. gray. Depending on what I did to upset him, it may last one hour or a whole day. He's always over it by feeding time the next day though. I just cleaned some spots on my tank with the magnetic cleaner, and he is currently under the lr, changing color, not moving. I'm just wondering if all puffers do this, or is this just a quirk of mine? I appreciate your help.


Active Member
Yes, most puffers will do that. It is nothing to worry about. They are a very personal fish. I really miss mine. I had him for 3 years and was very close with him. Unfortunately, uncontrollable events happened and I lost him. Mine would do that exact same thing though.


so does my puffer he always changes colors from a brown to a yellow to black to gray
somtimes he gets so dark i cant find him and he looks like a peice of live rock and im
lookin everywhere for him but comin to find out hes always right there in front of me


I had no idea you could get as attatched to a fish as I have to the puffer. He's just like a puppy, with all of the personality, without the house training. I appreciate your responses. I just wanted to know whether or not I should worry about him, or kiss his little rear end


Active Member
Originally Posted by dottiekh
I have a quick question about my df puffer. He has been in my 125 gal tank for about 1 1/2 months. He is hands down, bar none, my absolute favorite fish. I swear he has a personality. Here is my question...are all puffers tempermental? Whenever I add a fish, or just clean the tank, he "pouts". He sits on the sand, doesn't move at all, and changes colors to this "mottled" gray and lt. gray. Depending on what I did to upset him, it may last one hour or a whole day. He's always over it by feeding time the next day though. I just cleaned some spots on my tank with the magnetic cleaner, and he is currently under the lr, changing color, not moving. I'm just wondering if all puffers do this, or is this just a quirk of mine? I appreciate your help.
puffers do tend to pout a bit but if he doesnt go back to normal feedings when offered foods that when you should have concernes .loss of appetite is a first sign of stress or illness in fish .as long as he comes righ back to acting normal at feeding time you should have nothing to worry about,however if he doesnt it may be more than just pouting could be as simple ph adjustments ,water quality or a new fish bothering them.


New Member
Originally Posted by dottiekh
I had no idea you could get as attatched to a fish as I have to the puffer. He's just like a puppy, with all of the personality, without the house training. I appreciate your responses. I just wanted to know whether or not I should worry about him, or kiss his little rear end

OH YEAH- the little beggers are the most personable fish I have ever seen! I fell in love with mine in the store and switched from a reef set up immediately to a fish only tank with that one purchase! I hand feed him krill, he does a wriggle like dance when he sees that I am opening the lid.....and squirts water at me if I'm not fast enough to get him his meal!


Yes, my DF puffer has a ton of personality. He pouts when he is upset, flutters his fins when he wants something and turns into the color of a banana when he is stressed.
I love my little guy. Great pet. Puffers are my favorite. He is the reason whey I got into saltwater tanks. My little Ipo


hey diane4 that puffer is the same as mine with the dark yellow mask and white body with
black spots what kind of puffer is he :thinking:


i know hes a dog faced puffer but what species of dog faced puffer


It's good to know my puffer is normal. I also hand feed him krill. He is so funny to watch. He knows I'm coming, and he is ready for me every time. Last night I was having to fix one of my powerheads (suction cup came off) and he actually came up and "bit" my finger. Let me just say that he scared the devil out of me
It didn't hurt at all, but I wasn't expecting it. I did teach me six year old some new words though...


Originally Posted by diane4
I didn't know there were different species of DF puffers? If so, educate me please.
Are you joking? in all honesty are you?


:happyfish wow you didnt know that there was diffearent types of puffers well lets go over a few species theres
black spotted puffers
golden dog face puffer
white dog faced puffers
black dog faced puffers
yellow belly dog faced puffer
panda dog faced puffer
now those are just a few very nice dog faced puffers theres not a such thing as just a dog faced puffer so theres a few oh if you want a lot of pictures and names go on google
and type dog faced puffer you'll find alot of kinds and information :happyfish


My puffer is a black spotted. In all fairness though, I never gave any thought to there being different species of df either. He was just a df puffer. Now that I know better, I looked it up. See, I learn something new everyday here...thank you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dottiekh
See, I learn something new everyday here...thank you.
That is why we are all here: to help each other learn new things about this hobby. I don't think there is a person on here who can say that they have stopped learning new things. :happyfish