Puffer Sick??


New Member
My Star's & Stripes Puffer has developed white patches(not ich) on his lower jaw and on nose?? He still eats and acts normal?? He had trouble eating after smaking his face off the glass when going after food. He had trouble eating for a couple weeks. Are these patches due to stress??


Mine gets those patches when he inflats. The patches are normal unless they are from him slamming into the glass. I had a porky that did that and it rubed the skin from his nose.If you think he may be sick try soaking his food in a vitimin supplyment. They get sick and have bad days just like us. But watch him closely to make sure he isnt coming down with anything.


New Member
My cuz brought nis puppy over and when my puff seen him he inflated?? Maybe thats what caused it?? Hopefully, he still is eating good and goes nuts for feeding time. Thanks,


I use to have one but it didn't make it throught the shipping process well. I'm waiting to get another one but they are kind of scarce right now. SWF will email me when the y get another one in.


Active Member
sounds like a light case of mouth fungus.my ss puffer had that just before he passes away he was fine in the morning with no signs of it that i noticed but with a half hr of noticing it he puffed up and died before i could get treatment for him.it wasnt fuzzy looking like cotton mouth but almost as if it was coated like a pickled appearance.id QT him asap and get him on a good inti fungal/antibiotic.such as myricin - myricin2.
ps I had mine for 2 yrs


Active Member
obviously hes not in a reef tank so no you dont have to QT him but sometimes its best if you do.depending on the size tank you have him in now.you can use melafix in your main tank remove any carbons you have first add the melafix for 7 days it wont harm your fish its a natural product and can be removed with carbons.thats why i use it.depending on tank size matters becuas of how much you have to use in one single dose QT tank take a smaller dose so lets costly.but i have used it many times for the same symtoms and i always worked well
malafix can be used for the removal of : tail and fin rot,open red sores,open body wounds,eyecloud pop eye and mouth fingus ,body slime.
pimafix can be used to cure fungal infections on body and fins also treats bacterial infection for internal and external.such as cotton mouth and body fungus reddening fins and body.these 2 products can be used together.both natural products.after 7 days of treatment do a 25 % water change hope this helps