Puffer sleep habits?


Active Member
I've only had my sharpnose puffer for 24 hours now and he's very cool and seems healthy but he scared me tonight. When I checked on him about 7:00 p.m.he was on the sand in a rock cave. It's the first time I had seen him slow down and stop hunting food since I got him but I figured he was just tired. I check on him about a half hour later and he had actually wedged himself into a crevice on an upper rock, in a wierd position, but he seemed happy there. Didn't look comfortable at ALL but since he went there by choice I turned the light off and am leaving him alone. Do they hide in caves and cram themselves into tight places when they get tired or should I worry about him?
Fascinating little buggers, aren't they?


I'd say that's normal. That's how my dogface puffer sleeps, in a cave, between some rocks.