New Member
I posted a thread earlier about my sick porcupine puffer. Since then, my water parameters have not changed. If anything they are much better since then. I have done 20% water changes every day for the past few days, and still he has not gotten better. He is just lying on the sand underneath my rock, breathing heavily and not moving at all. He is also extremely thin. He's lost his appetite, and I cant seem to entice him to come out and try to eat anything. I have also recently just set up a QT tank, in case I have to medicate. However, I can find no evidence of parasitic infection or anything else. I am just nervous to put him in a QT tank due to his incredibly weakened state. I am amazed he has lasted so has been at least a week since he began to act stressed out. PLEASE ANYONE HELP. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. He is still alive but I don't know for how much longer..........