Puffer tank question


ok, my friend just bought a little 1.5" map puffer and has him in his 30 gal tank right now....will he do okay in there for a little while?


For a very short period of time and it would be best if he is the only fish in the tank. The puffer will grow very large, very fast and he will need a tank of at least 150g, maybe more as this species can get about 27".


More like a 240GL for a minimum tank! They get almost 30", but massive girth! They're not slim line by no means
Also it'd be a good idea to get the right size tank, and stock it with it's tankmates while the puffer is small. While he's tiny and most likely shy/skittish these guys can cut a tankmate in half with 1 easy bite. A fish friend of mine has one with no other tankmates. He'd introduced a trigger and the mappa bit the whole back end off the trigger with one nip. Extremely sharp/powerful jaws.