puffer tank


Active Member
I wouldn't do it. More than likely, the two different puffer species will fight. Large puffers are usually kept one to a tank. Bo


Sorry if i sound discouraging, but i wouldn't recommend keeping even 2 puffers together in a 120. In the wild, puffers will claim large areas of reef as their territory and defend it from members of similar genus and species. When considering the volume of a natural reef, the puffer being chased off has somewhere to escape to, and establish it's own territory. In a closed system however they can not. If they do not directly physically attack one another (in most cases they will) They may get stressed and become succeptible to disease. Ich can be a problem in puffers, especially those with compromised immune systems. (Stress is a sure fire way to weaken a puffers immune system).
I'm sure there are people on this board who have kept puffers of the same and different species together without any problems, some more than likely keep them in tanks smaller than a 120. I guess the important thing here is it is your tank and your fish. So it is what you want to do that counts. I'm just offering my opinion with a couple of reasons for why i wouldn't do it. I'd say puffers are some of the fish that attracted me to the hobby, and if it were possible without the health of the fish being compromised, I'd have a tank full of puffers for sure...


Yes you can keep that mix, but its a little much for a 120, go with a valentini or false eye dwarf puffer, 1 dogface, 1 porcupine puffer, and 1 other fish. Thats a good mix, I have seen 3 puffers in a 40 gallon tank, a dogface, S&S, and a dwarf. Of course this wont work for life, but its a good start.


Active Member
Treble, im not trying to be an ---, but have you ever tried to mix puffers. I have seen dogfaces and porks at lfs' in a 200g tank tear each other up. Remember, this guy is going to be putting alot of money in his tank, and he wants to have a great tank without his fish killing each other. Bo

fish boy

i have had 2 porks in a 50 gallon tank for a couple years and there was no problem
when i bought them they were kept in the same tank
at the pet store and they got along there great iam just wondering if i get another pair of small porks that get along and put one or to dogfacees in if the 2 differnt types of puffer will fight


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I understand grouperhead, you need proof :)
Although it is a gamble, buy the fish small 1-2in


I have only heard, but some say the dogface will kill the porq even if the dog is a little smaller.I have kept them both in seperate tanks and the dog is way more agrresive,I would not like to see the two together in my tank


I have a Porc puffer and a Spiney box puffer in a 70. They get along fine and have NEVER fought. I don't know about 2 of the same species though.

jordan 150

Not Sure if it helps but at my LFS they have a 150 with 2 juvy dogfaces 1 stars and stripes 3 porkys and 1 Panda i know its asking for probs but they said so far the only one that has giving them any trouble is the dogfaces nipping at the panda a little bit
but not nearly enough to kill him or hurt him i think this is what i was told hope it helps


There is no way that many puffers in that size tank will ever work, But I had a striped and a porky in the same tank for over a year with no problem, get them small and let them grow up together, this is not to say that there will not be problems down the road. I lost the porky to a strange problem, and it took the stripped a couple weeks to get over it, they were very close. Good Luck

jordan 150

For the tetradon species probably a porky when young or i think any of the kind of toby puffer hawaiin valentini false eye etc as long as there to big to be swallowed.