Puffer tankmate?


So its been several months now and I am starting to look ahead towards a tankmate for My Stars and Stripes Puffer. He is being housed in a 125 with an oversized wet/dry filter. Having very little experience with mixing Puffers with other species I figured input and research is the smart way to go (as it is with anything marine related). I was looking a little into some of the eels that would typicaly grow to be around two feet in length, but larger in diameter than the snowflake eel.. I think that eel would just be a snack to my PufferFish. I would love an eel, but also understand they produce a great amount of waste, which my puffer is already doing. So possibly a trigger is my best road to go on.. I am concerned with triggers fast swimming and agressive behavior though, I can see him nipping at my puff when he isnt paying attention. So.. with that being said, maybe I shouldnt get an eel or a trigger and go with some other type of large fish.
all input on this would be awsome!
thanks guys and girls,


Hello, I have a 8" Stars & Sripes puffer with a Clown trigger, Zebra eel, and a White mouth eel in a 125 and everybody gets along great.


a tang might be a good option something like a sailfin, scopas or purple tang should work well. a juv. trigger or a butterfly should be good chosses as well.


Awsome picture man ! My puffer is about the size of yours except lighter in color. Thanks for the input guys, I am still not ready for a new tankmate because I need to add another 30 pounds of live rock and sand as well. What are you using as far as filtration with your two eels and trigger and puffer? I would like an eel but am concerned about large amounts of waste being produced. I dont have an undergravel filter, just a large wetdry and powerheads in the tank for circulation.


I have a 40 gallon sump with an Ocean Clear canister w/ U.V. and a very good skimmer.


I put a SFE in with my Puffer and the SFE bit Puffer in the eye....so, the eel went into his own tank.
My Puffer is not your usual Puffer. He is a Porc. about 4 inches long and 2 inches thick.....his tankmates are a yellow tang, Niger Trigger, Bluejaw Trigger, Damsels, Clownfish, snails, crabs, corals, anemone's, a cleaner shrimp - who is his best friend. It is so cool to watch him sit there while the cleaner shrimp cleans him. He will sit for a good 30 minutes and enjoy. He has never messed with anything in my tank. I must say - my Puffer is not normal - I would not suggest trying this at home.....I got very lucky with him. He must have known I was the one when I rescued him from *****.


Yeah steering away from eels seems like the safe thing to do, My puffer my be large.. but I dont want to risk injury to him by a moray. For starters I think I will try a larger sized tang.. Or possibly a Niger Trigger as I hear they are the least agressive of triggers.