Puffer turned colors??


Ok, please don't laugh if the answer is obvious, do Puffers get dirty or turn a shade of grey? His face isn't that yellow/white anymore, he actually has a tint of grey to him, he is eating and swimming and acting "normal" What should I do?


I had a puffer it was dog faced puffer actually, but um he would turn colors all the time it is just the way they tell their mood.


my porc. turned grey starting at the head and it slowly moved down his body toward the tail. I was told that he was stressed and he only lived another couple days before he died. check you water and make sure nothing is messing with him, causing him stress.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CircesMagic
Ok, please don't laugh if the answer is obvious, do Puffers get dirty or turn a shade of grey? His face isn't that yellow/white anymore, he actually has a tint of grey to him, he is eating and swimming and acting "normal" What should I do?
They should NOT turn colors. They should be a nice shade of tan with the proper markings. This means that your puffer is not well and will become worse as it progresses.
My suggestion is to get him in QT and start some anti-bacterial meds (Furen 2, etc). Also dose vita-chem to keep him healthy.