puffer vs lion


I have a V. Lion with a spiny box puffer. They have been in the same tank since babies and both are full grown, never any problems.


You can get away with keeping puffers and lions together, it just depends on the individual fish and tank size. I keep a dogface with my lions in my 300g, I also keep a close eye on their fins
If I see any signs of nipping than I will remove the puffer. Puffers can be nippy in return lions can sting the puffer.
I also feed my lions on one side of the tank and my puffer on the other, overtime this has worked out great for me, and it helps avoid accidental nips and stings.


the only problem you really need to watch out for is that sometimes puffers will nip at the fins of the lion. Just keep a eye out for it. Its a fish to fish type thing. But puffers have a tendency to nip at fins.


thanks guys i have a 150t that i thought would be good for them to share.they would be the only occupants of the tank and i would move my tang to a longer tank so she would have more room.


Originally Posted by cwgibson
thanks guys i have a 150t that i thought would be good for them to share.they would be the only occupants of the tank and i would move my tang to a longer tank so she would have more room.
I have had 2 puffers and a volitan lion and all three are about 7in and all do well together


Originally Posted by cwgibson
what type of puffers?
I have a porc and a Panda face puffer and they have all been together since they were very little and it has been about 2 yrs or so


Yep I have a Porcupine Puffer and a Volitian Lionfish as well and they dont bother each other at all, and they are together in a 55 gallon tank with a Sailfin Tang and Skunk Grouper


Active Member
I have had a porky puffer and a lion, for as long as I can remember, they swim together and everything, they are buddies.


Originally Posted by codemaster
Yep I have a Porcupine Puffer and a Volitian Lionfish as well and they dont bother each other at all, and they are together in a 55 gallon tank with a Sailfin Tang and Skunk Grouper
you will need like a 150 gallon tank for all those they are going to die probably from being in such a small tank those fish will get HUGE.


I have a dogface and a volitan, both about the same size, and I've had no problems with either of them. They are very polite at feeding time and will actually wait for the other to get a bite before getting another....funny fish they are, they have manners!!! My eel on the other hand....