Puffer wasting away!


New Member
I recently got 3 fish mail order which i put in a cycled 55ga tank.
A small dogface puffer, a small volitan lionfish and a small medium Picasso trigger.
The picasso is doing fantastic, extremely active and eats everything.The lionfish hasn't been eating and i knew it would be a battle to get this guy to eat so i am not surprised yet.The lionfish even without eating still acts normally at this time.
The big disappointment comes from the Dogface puffer, it seems he is wasting away.He doesn't move around a lot and hides.Today he stays on the top stuck on the overflow slighly letting the current suck him in, then he back down a little and back on the overflow.
He wasn't really been eating but still i saw him catch some frozen brine shrimps and lancefish on the bottom during that first week.
I have been suspecting him to be bullied by the very dominant trigger but i haven't witnessed a single agression.The trigger sometimes approches the puffer and stare at him then goes away.
Shall i get some ghost shrimps and a divider to try to save my puffer or move it in another tank?
Please help


Active Member
Hey, where are you in Atlanta? I know every fish store here, used to work in one too. Mail order will screw you, especially living in a great place for fish like ATL.
Now, your puffer should do fine with all his tank mates.
Read my post to Jenny about her porcupine. Dogfaces are similar.
Now, chances are, he was super traumatized from being caught, transported, and transported again.
He might not pull through. But, try some live feeders, both the lion and he should show some interest. The trigger without question will.
If that doesn't work.... try quarantinei to get his morale up. He might come around. But, I don't think the trigger would bother him. I used to have a 12 inch clown trigger with my 18 inch porcupine puffer no probs.
Dogfaces are tough when they are new and stressed. Good luck. If you need any ATL fish advice, let me know. :cool:


New Member
Hey, where are you in Atlanta?
I live in Cherokee county and work in North Fulton.
I know every fish store here, used to work in one too.
I know several stores too and you are right they are nice.
Mail order will screw you, especially living in a great place for fish like ATL.
Well i have a mixed feeling about that shipment.
Now, your puffer should do fine with all his tank mates.
He is doing a little better.he ate from a clam yesterday and i put some ghost shrimps but he couldn't catch any. I will get some live brine today or tomorrow.
Now, chances are, he was super traumatized from being caught, transported, and transported again.
I think that is the problem.Maybe he is on its way to recover.
Dogfaces are tough when they are new and stressed. Good luck. If you need any ATL fish advice, let me know.
I hope he keeps on improving.
Thanks a lot


Active Member
I live in Vinings/ Buckhead. I love it here. What do you do up in North Fulton?
I am glad he is sort of eating. If he nailed that clam, that's a great sign.
What's yer name.... I'm Steve. Glad to see a fellow Atalien on here. :D
What LFS do you frequent the most... there are plenty of em here. Some are horsecrap though. :cool: