Puffer with a hump?


My Porc Puffer has recently started hanging out a the top of the tank in one of the corners. The strange thing is that he appears to be hunched over, kinda like he has a hump in his back. As soon as he sees someone he swims normally and the "hump" goes away. I have had him about 6 months with no passed problems and the water perimeters are essentially 0.


Staff member
Does he appear to be breathing heavy while at the top of the tank? How is he eating? What are you feeding him? How does he look aside from the hump?
Can you post a picture?


His breathing and eating appears to be normal. I am feeding him diced shrimp tails soaked in Zoncon. He maybe arching his back, it just looks kind of weird.


Staff member
Is the fish getting any kind of hard shelled foods? Puffers need to eat hard food to keep there teeth filed down.


Okay, found out my nitrate test was not working at all and my nitrates were off the scale. I had always done WC's, but I guess not often enough. I bought a new test kit, because my blue-spotted grouper and Lion stopped eating, and the grouper had turned to his white color and my sailfin and niger tiger were breathing extremely hard. I changed out the filters to hopefully remove some of the nitrates in the media itself. The parameters before the water change were:
FO Tank w/ crabs and snails, all fish besides Sailfin have been in the tank for 6 months+
8-inch Blue-Spotted Grouper
9-inch Volitan Lion
4-inch Red Sea Sailfin
3-Inch Niger Trigger
5-Inch Porc Puffer
14-inch Snowflake Eel
4 inch Lawnmower Blennie
pH 8.1
Am .1
NO2 .1
NO3 100+
The Sailfin was added about 1 month ago and appears healthy beside a little HLLE, likely caused by the high Nitrates. Thinking, here in lies the problem, that getting the nitrates lower would solve the problem, I did a massive water change. Eighty gallons out of a 125 tank. I used RO/DI water from my filter and pre-mixed the salt and heated the water. The water parameters are now:
Ph 8.3
Am .1
NO2 .1
NO3 30
but everyone is still breathing hard and the grouper and lion have yet to eat. It has been about a week for the two of them and I am starting to get a little worried. I put an air bubbler in last night to see if it was a lack of O2 thing, and this morning they are all hanging around the air stone. I also added a small bicolor angel two days ago which was two days after the WC and he is now breathing hard as well.:help:
Just thought about the fact that I had switched salt brands in addition to the water change.. bad things are in store for my fish:nope:


Staff member
Give as much details as you can about your tank, the equiptment, how it is set up, source water, provide your readings, size of tank, etc.


125 gallons
2 emperor 400's
Magnum 350
Fish Only with hermit crabs and Snails
No live rock due to Cupramine treatments
A 3 stage RO/DI filter-100 gallon/day
Ph 8.3
Am .1
NO2 .1
NO3 30
It had been set up for about two years before I bought it six months ago.
No physical signs of ick, but the heavy breathing is scaring me. I don't want to treat again.


Staff member
Well, obviously the ammonia and nitrite are potentially killer problems.
Do you have water mixed and aged ready to do a water change?
No skimmer??