Puffer with lock jaw


Puffer with lock jaw
I am very sad today. My porc puffer I have had for over 3 years has the beginnings of lock jaw. (He can't eat.) I know this is something that happens because they don't get enough hard food. I have called around my local area and of cousre there is no one here that can treat it (if even it is treatable). I just can't stand to watch him slowly starve to death. Has anyone ever heard of euphanizing ?sp a fish. Or does anyone know of a humane way to put him out of his misery?


I know why it happens as I had 1 puffer die from it already and have done quite a bit of research on it. I tried for a very long time to get this puffer to eat something other than krill, but he just wouldn't.
My question is since I have no one in this area that can treat him, is there a humane way to put him out of his misery. I just can't stand to see him starve to death.


Active Member
I am really sorry you have to deal with this. I don't know about puffers, or how big yours is, but if this is untreatable, and euthenasia is the decision, I have heard of people taking a container with tank water, placing the fish in it, and putting it in the freezer. The fishes metabolism slows, and it dies. I am told this is one of the most humane ways (never had to try it).
But make sure there is nothing you can do for it first!


Thanks everyone for all your help and ideas. Terry, in studying my porc for literally hours, I do think it is a dentistry problen after all. I can't see his teeth, but when I was trying to feed him with a dropper I could feel them. I have done some research and seems like everyone uses a dremmel. They also anesthesize them. No one around here does that. One of the owners at my lfs said he would do it without putting him to sleep, so if it comes to that, I guess thats what I will try. I have bought some crabs and added to the tank in hopes that this will help grind his teeth down. (I know that sounds awful but I can't let him starve.)
I'll keep you guys posted!


I was unable to find any info on Kelli Jedlicki on the net. I am hoping if he gets hungry enough he will look at the crabs. So far he is showing no intrest in them. I also put in a goldfish ( I know I know but I am desperate ) and he could not catch it.
Any ideas on anything else "hard" that might entice him to eat?
I really don't want to have to use a dremel unless absolutely necessary. I am so afraid that if we have to take him out of the water he will puff up, and I can't imagine doing it in the water.
Anyway.... the saga continues!!! :(


Well I have emailed Kelli Jedlicki a few times and she says it is extremely rare for a Porc Puffer to get overgrown teeth. (Doesn't think lock jaw either). Just a nutritional problem that may correct itself with a few changes. And get this... One of the things she recommends is FROZEN PEAS!!!! I woul never have even considered anything like that. Anyway, I am off to the store tomorrow. LOL