puffer wont eat



4 days ago i got a blue spotted sharpnosed puffer. He seems to b scared of the bright tank lights. he quckly hides as soon as i turn them on, and stays hidden until theyve been off for a period of time. so ive been tryin to feed him wit dim lighting and i can get him to pick at some krill a little bit, but that about it. Ive tried frozen formula one, and frozen brine shrimp, nothing seems to work.
ive got some snails in my reef tank and was wondering if i should tosh one in with him to see if hell go after it?
anyone got any ideas on how or what to get him to eat?
hes in a 30 gal. tank with 2 damsels and a few peices of live rock.
water is good and sal. is 1.23
temp. is 78-80


Calm down
Did you try using a feeding prong to get the puffer to eat. As far as the lights, I would put your lights on a timer to come on in the morning and go off at night. Also try feeding the puffer silverslides.


Give the puffer time to acclimate. After a little while he/she will be eating like a champ! I would reccomend feedng, krill, brine shrimp, blackworms, squid, and small mussels to him/her.


Active Member
Most puffers are little sea pigs once they settle down. Give him some time. He won't starve himself.
Good Luck!


thanks guys hes eating good now.
what can i have as a clean up crew with him in a 30 gal.?
and will he kill a serpent starfish?
heres a pic of him


go with some turbo snails and green emeral crabs. I always go 1 snail per gallon of tank. and I would put about 6 emeral crabs in.