I have big volitan lion fish, star and stripes puffer, picasso and two hermits crabs one blue and one red they keep my sand clean, they been like this for 10 months, never problems
I have a porky puffer with a lion and a red legged hairy hermit crab, and also small snails and small crabs, and it has been that way for over a year now with no trouble.
My brother keeps two triggers, one lion and one porc puffer in his 55. Only the two triggers bicker
thats a lot of fish for a 55, hope your brother is planning to upgrade
Needless to say hes pretty excited too, considering Im giving it to him. I have three all together and when the 980's done I dont need it. Its the least I can do to spread this infectious aquarium bug. My whole famliy is infected now. I have five tanks, my bro has three and my mom has five also.
Originally posted by lionfish28
My striped puffer sometimes sleeps on top of my snails!He never even tryed to eat my crabs or snails!
I have a porc with hermits and so far haven't seen him eat or try to eat any of them...
Jackman :happyfish