

Hello all. I curently have a 90 gallon tank in which Im in the end of my cyle. I love puffers and decided on getting a gold puffer within the next week. I also would like to get a clown trigger. But based upon reading this site I dont know if that is a good idea. Are there any triggers that would be compatible with a gold puffer?
Also I would like to get a zebra eel and a purple tang for algae contral. Would all these fish get a long in my tank?
Thanks for you help!
I'll try to help :) Ok I currently have a mapp puffer I was also thinking of getting a clown trigger because it would look great with my set up. I have found that trigger are very territorial. You can not mix the two. I don't know if it was possible to have a smaller sized trigger and a bigger puffer together though. Anyway, I believe you need triggers of the same size.
As for the zebra eel it will be fine. The tang is not an aggressive fish and would not fly. You and I have the same taste in fish. This was the same set-up I was looking for.
Again that's just my opinion, not the best, but MINE!
thats weird... i have a 8 inch golden puffer with a 4 inch clown trigger and everythin has been fine no fights at all, the puff is too big so the trigger leaves him alone


In reading the book Conscientous(sp?) Marine Aquarist it says that Triggers are not usually good with other triggers or lion fish. They are however typically ok with puffers when both fish are similar in size. Just thought I would pass along what some literature says.
(However, if you ask an LFS here in town he will tell you that a Lion Fish, a Undulated Trigger and a Puffer can all be in a 10 gallon tank)


Active Member
i can feel a pufferlover story coming up....but, dont add a clown, or you will have a dead puffer. as for a tang, altough purples are one of the hardier species, they still need near perfect water quality, which the puffer will offset with its eating habits. a zebra eel will do good in there. one fish i would add is either a hogfish or a lunare wrasse. both are great fish and add lots of color and movement to agressive tanks. i have fallen in love with my lunare. bo


Active Member
teog; I know grouperhead just loves my stories and so much so he is asking for one of my favorites again. So as not to disappoint Grouper I will tell it again.
I have mentioned time and time again about the two Puffers that were brought to my friend at his lfs and which he showed me (2 different times) both Porks and both had been housed with Triggers (species I did not ask but assumne clowns). Both Puffers were same size I was told as the Triggers and both had been attacked during feeding time both losing almost all their fins in the process. Both died within a day or two altho my guy tried to save them. Please don't try this because altho a few have done it with luck for a while in time you will finally see a post here my Puffer has died. The Triggers as they grow also grow meaner (it is a fact of life) The Porks are pretty mellow fish but they are eating machines and they want all the food not just some and that at some point becomes the start of the fight. When small you can mix all kinds of fish that should not be with each other but as they grow they start to show their true natures and that is the problem. I know most books say yes to Triggers and Puffers and yet when was the last time you went into a good lfs and saw those 2 in the same tank (I never have). Now after all that I would say that a Niger or Pink Tail might work but it would have to be a big tank with lots of rock work. You say you have a 90 and that to me would be the min and then you would be hard pressed to do more then 4 to 5 fish considering how large the Puff and Trigger will get.
Since you are new here and don't know me from my postings I will just mention that in my 120 gallon I have a mated Pork pair, a Rock Beauty Angel, and a Diana's Hogfish and that is it (Oh and one very large queen conch snail). I could probably add one more fish since my Porks are 8 years old and I doubt they will get any bigger but I am satisfied with the tank, and I want the 4 to stay healthy and not feel crowded.
If you want more info on Porks and Dogs click on my homepage (the little house with the man next to it) and you will find lots of good and bad things about them.