Originally Posted by Space_Geek
Looking nice! I like it a lot better!! You totally need more rock though...like 100 more pounds at least! But its looking nice!!
agreed with the rock
coming along nicely
come on guys, i need more opinions, feel free to show your fowlr as well, get alittle bit of a competition started, i know jcrim has some nice ones, come on let the competition begin
Originally Posted by jr2857
look not everyone is going to repond ok. stop posting just so you can get your thread in the TOP messages area. but definitely an improvement
ok puffer this is my 175 FOWLR. Currently I only have two Tangs. The rock I used came from a reef tank that was up 14 years so it has some hitchickers. Also really did not have to much of a cycle do to this. A P shrimp made it through the cycle. I would guess I have about 125 to 150 lbs of rock and about 20 lbs of rubble in my wet dry. Oh by the way your rock looks a lot better keep adding try to find some with coraline it makes it so much more releastic to me. jmho