puffers with sharks


Can you keep these guys w/ sharks? The sharks I have are a brownbanded bamboo, and a coral cat. Will a dogface go good in there?


Active Member
I know triggers will pick a shark/rays cartilage, but I've never heard of puffers doing it. I'm curious, what size tank are you doing all of this in? Bo


Top I have never witnessed it before myself, but I have heard stories of some puffers doing a little fin nipping, not sure if it was specific on types of puffers but I think I read it somewhere, I will look for the article. :)


NO It is my experience that they do not mix. The only aquaria I recommend and have been successful in keeping, cation required in all cases. Angelfish, groupers, lionfish, sting rays, and other sharks. Good luck!!! SEE LIFE... "It's a beautiful world!"


I can say from personal experience that some puffers will bite sharks. I have a bamboo shark, and I "had" a spotted dog face. I traded the dog face in after noticing bite marks on my sharks dorsal fin and tail. They even happened to be the same shape and size as my dog face's beak ;)
On the other hand, my pork puffer has never given me, or my shark any trouble.


New Member
no, in my experience all types of puffers go after sharks. They are not safe to keep with.