

anybody know anything on how large they grow and how hard these fish are to maintain? thinking of housing it with a clown trigger, emperor angel, and sohal or clown surgeon. haven't bought any fish yet. possible ideas? will be housed in 250 to 300g tank.


It depends what kind you get. I have a Sharpnose puffer and it's about full grown at 3". But I think Dog face puffers get much larger than that.

beach bum

you have nothing but 'alpha dog' type fish. it would help to be an experienced fish keeper to handle that lineup. you still haven't even mentioned what type of puffer ou are looking to get.


i am planning everything before i buy a tank. i want a really large system. asking all you experienced aquariests for thoughts and ideas so i can be properly informed so i know what i need and how i can make the aquarium the best possible living space for all the fish that i would like. i have an open mind and i have a few fish that i really want. but i know that not all fish are compadible. thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated.


How much tank you can afford would be a good place to start. I'm of the opinion that bigger is better but recently learned that it's exponentially more expensive also. I have a 55 and wanted more fish, so I got a 125. the 125 is going to cost 6x what the 55 did. But my 55 had HOB filters and the 125 will have an underneath sump/fuge filtration system, a lot more expensive but potentially offers the fish "the best possible living space".