Pugger not eating


New Member
I read all the previus messages. Question What is a squere and where do you buy it. My new guines puffer is about 8 inches long. At fish store he was eating ghost shrimp and will eat them in my tank but has turned down frozen krill and shimp( slightly defrosted) Now my brain is working is a squere some sort of feeding stick. Would love some help.


Active Member
A skewer is usually an acrylic or plastic rod people use to impale food items on to feed their fish. They are also known as feeding sticks. A quality lfs will always have them instock. On your puffer, try different foods. Silversides, clams, shrimp, krill, brine, mysis, and squid are usually always accepted with great joy. If none of these work, I'd wait a little while, let him get hungary, and then try again. A feeding stick would also help alot. If you have any more questions, please ask. Bo


New Member
This is gretchen again. I found the feeding stick. It was part of an eel feeding kit. I tried some white slivery fish, shrimp, krill and here is what happens. No matter how I feed the other puffer a porcupine, about the size of a large russet potatoe, just when the new guinea fowl puffer is getting interested and once even touched the end of the stick smelling the food the other puffer dives in and steals the food. I do not have any other aquarium except a 15 gal that my grandkids two goldfish live in. I think they have to be separated until new puffer gets his feet under him but I cannot buy another tank. I know thereis an answer to this and my fingers are crossed. Thanks Gretchen


You could look into getting a tank divider, and seperate the 2 from eachother. Normally when I purchase a fish that needs special care in feeding I put them into a q-tank until they are eating well. That way you don't have to worry about the other fish in the tank stealing the food away from them. This makes the training alot easier.


New Member
I will never buy another fish until I see it eating again. Even thoughit will eat ghost shrimp in order to give it a chance to eat I have to feed the porcupinepuffer lots of food at opposite end of tank. I'm afraid I'm goint to kill him with too muchfood. Ok dividers do they come ready made or is this something I construct. Thanks gretchen


New Member
I have the feeding stick and have stuck krill, silver side fish on it. Finally got him to take it off and then he lets it drop from his mouth. He has picked them up from bottom of tank but again drops it. He is now at all the the porcupine puffer who goes wild at eating time. Thanks, gretchen