pulsating xenia problem


Can anyone help, my Xenia is shrinking up or shrievling up not sure why. Part of the Xenia is still ok and part not doing so well. Does anyone know why this may be happening?


he been in there for 6months has grown fast and has been healthy the whole time until now the tank temp is 80.4


Active Member
Originally Posted by brownguy
he been in there for 6months has grown fast and has been healthy the whole time until now the tank temp is 80.4
When you say shrivel up... are the lights off? Xenia will shrink and close up at times. My xenia does every night. A picture would help. You will know if it is dying because it will look like it is melting away.


lights just went off but for the past 2 days he's looked like this everything looks good except my ph is alittle low have you ever used kent superbuffer-dKH ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by brownguy
lights just went off but for the past 2 days he's looked like this everything looks good except my ph is alittle low have you ever used kent superbuffer-dKH ?
Yes, every morning I add that buffer. I have not noticed a PH change though. Are you adding the buffer at night?


i was going to add it tonight, should i not? I thought maybe ph has something to do whats going on possiably?


Active Member
Originally Posted by brownguy
i was going to add it tonight, should i not? I thought maybe ph has something to do whats going on possiably?
Do not add it at night. It is normal for PH swings at night. That buffer should be added in the morning.
Your PH issues very well could be the reason why your Xenia is acting funny. Does your xenia ever close up?


sometimes, most of the time it does very well, I've had only good luck with this Xenia until now. should i add when the lights are on right? if so I'll wait until then. thanks for the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brownguy
sometimes, most of the time it does very well, I've had only good luck with this Xenia until now. should i add when the lights are on right? if so I'll wait until then. thanks for the help.
During the day is best to add that buffer. Keep an eye on the Xenia because it could easily make a full recovery.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral-Reefs
Have you had any changes in water flow?
The OP obvisouly does not sign on to often. Lets say there was a change in water flow. Example - Xenia was getting high flow but now is getting moderate flow. Your thoughts?