Pulsating xenia...


My pulsating xenia has branched off into many different branches in a matter of 3-4 months from a single stalk. However, the bases of the new branches don't seem to have a good hold of the LR. Is this normal? Will their grasp eventually improve? They look like they're just flopping in the current.
Also, once the xenia grow too big for the current piece of LR, where will the continue growing?
Any experiences or advice is always appreciated.


Yeah, that's all fine and dandy,.....but are the little rascals gonna fall off their bases? That's what's worrying me. With the snails and hermits walking all over them, I don't want them to get pulled off their base....:scared:


Active Member
Don't worry about it .... even if they did get pulled off, which is highly unlikely, they'll just attach to something again. There's usually no stopping this stuff. :D