pulsing xenia good for a begginer?


im gonna probably pick up some tommorw, I was just wondering if there good for begginers. My brother claims that there hard to get to "take off" and once you get them to "take Off" they do real well but there really hard to get to "take off". So what would you say?


Active Member
I got 3 stalks about 2 weeks ago and they are moving and spreading away from each other since they were on one rock. They were pumping as soon as they got acclimated in the DT. They seem to be doing well though


There are too easy. I wouldnt put it in a nano. It is taking over my 75. It grows too fast.


my xenia has taken over trying to take some out today by washing off the rocks they are on. local fish store laughed when i asked if they would trade or evn take it so i wouldn't kill it. I bouth 3 stalks on a rock and after 6 months you now can't see any of my rocks in my tank. they do not like my favia or some other soft corals but enything else is fair game. noticed they even were attacted to my coraline.


Active Member
It is very easy to care for. Plus, you can even make a little bit of money off of it by taking some to your LFS. Most LFS will give you $4-$10 per frag of xenia that you bring to them.


I bought one 2 days ago 11/29/06 and it was doing fine but now its leaning over and pulses most of the time. Is the coral damaged or dying now that it is leaning over or is it going through a process? :help:


Active Member
Xenia is strange... some people have too much luck, others no luck. Get it local if possible, it doesn't like to travel.


I bought a small xenia colony about 4 stalks on it for $10. I have had it for a month so far and i have 12 stalks. I just had to move it to the top right corner of my tank where i dont mind if it takes over it will cover some of my equipment.