east tx

I have two different PULSING XENIA on a pc. of LR, the other morning When I
got up it had fell over on it's side. Well I set it up and noticed that one of the species
of Xenia's had no hands at all. Where did they go? The tips have little white tips
where the hands were, but the stalks are still standing.
Also where it was located before it fell over on a pc of LR are about 25 baby xenia's What do you think? Thank you....
Water is fine also.
Thank you


Active Member
Xenia can withdraw their "hands" which might be what happened. They can shrink to incredibly small sizes when disturbed. The xenia I had reproduced by smaller ones growing off the main stalk then dividing.
Xenia can also drop their "hands" when stressed or damaged etc. The hands then attach and attempt to grow. It sounds like this may of happened to you but normally it takes several days for the polyps to attach. The fact yours did and are open means condtions in your tank must be good. I wouldn't worry about the stalk. In a few days/weeks you should start to notice new "hands" forming.