pulsing xenia problem...


one head of my pulsing xenia i think was knocked loose from one of my anemones and now its stuck at the bottom behind my live rock. i'm pretty sure its going to die if its not already dead because of the lack of light but the only way i can get it out is moving all my live rock... if i leave it there is it going to be a problem??


Active Member
Shouldn't be a problem. Yes, it will probably die though, unless it detaches and gets blown to a better spot. There's no way to get a razor blade on a stick down in there to help get it off?


Active Member
If it dies it won't be a problem, and not a huge loss. In a few months you will be cussing your xenia as you pull handfuls out of your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
If it dies it won't be a problem, and not a huge loss. In a few months you will be cussing your xenia as you pull handfuls out of your tank.
I have never had a problem, but natclanwy is correct, in that some people just can't stop this coral from spreading all over their tank. But I'm am hearing/reading less and less of this over the past couple of years. I think it's a beautiful coral that should be in every tank, if you can keep it alive...