Pulsing Xenia


HELP!!! I recently moved my xenia into my 55 gal reef, all of the fingers are curled up and won't undo. The stalk looks good and his "arms" are all up and out, just the fingers are in little balls. All levels are perfect. I have 175-200 lbs of live rock, two pwer heads, protein skimmer, and millenium 3000 filter. Everything else seems great. It has been about 5 days and I don't know what to do.


The only thing I can suggest is good light and a strong water current. Mine naturaly does this at night but it is obviously not happy with something. Can you list the conditions/water?


It may take a few days to adjust to the new surrondings. How did you pack 200 lbs. of rock in a 55.



Originally posted by Tattooedlife:
It may take a few days to adjust to the new surrondings. How did you pack 200 lbs. of rock in a 55.

I overestimated, it is actually closer to 150 lbs. Parts of the tank really do almost seem packed. I also have a couple of very large pieces that make up a big part of that weight. Thanks for the help.