pulsing xenia


I got some pulsing xenia one week ago and they seemed fine for a few days...Within the last 24-48 hours they stopped pulsing...is this normal?


I've never had mine STOP pulsing...Hmmm... Do you add Iodine? They need it bad. I even squirt it (diluted) directly on the colony. What kind of current is it in? I can see it stopping in a stronger current. Why work at pulsing, when you don't have to. What lighting setup do you have. They really need bright light too.. Just throwing some things at you..HTH


Active Member
Have you checked your alkalinity and pH? As mentioned they require good lighting and a good current. I have often seen Xenia stop pulsing, but it usually happens in situations where there is not enough light or the alkalinity has fallen. HTH


If have heard that they like a little lower pH like maybe around 8.0. Can anyone support this? I am trying to fing the right conditions for mine now.

nm reef

Active Member
Stable alkalinity(2.8-3.5 meg/l)...moderate current...ph around 8.3...and moderate to intense lighting and they will grow like crazy. I'd look at the levels and location of yours and maybe adjust their environment a bit. These are for the most part very hardy and quick growers in the proper situation. Good luck..... :cool: