Pump Connections


When hooking up your main pump, is there any advantages to using pvc or tubing? I am getting ready to set up my mag-drive 9.5 on my new tank. I need to go to homedepot for plumbing supplies..any info would be great!


I'm new to saltwater, but I can give you a physics teacher's standpoint - with PVC you will see more uniform pressure distribution, not to mention if you're pumping water vertically it will withstand a much higher pressure than regular tubing. The only problem is it's not flexible and oftentimes cannot be reconfigured without cutting or purchasing of new pipe . If your tank setup won't require constant reconfiguation, that'd be a good way to go because you're less likely to have a pressure burst.
But, you just can't beat the flexibility of tubing, especially if you decide to move hardware. Just pay good attention to the joints to make sure the tubes cannot be pulled off.
...that's my point of view at least...I hope it helps...some....:)


Active Member
Cool, what brand of tank? I just ordered a 90 gallon Oceanic with a reef ready overflow box. I am really excited because all I have now is a tiny 40 gallon. I thought it was all we had room for until we got the crazy but wonderful idea to put the couch in front of the window leaving the wall space for a tank. I have to wait about a month as the 90 gallon does not come in reef ready and had to be special ordered. I was going to go larger, but thought it would be a pain to plumb the two overflows together in the next size up tank, and did not know if bigger would over whelm me keeping it up. What type of filtration are you planning? What types of fish etc. Is yours 48 inches long x 18 inches wide and 24 something inches tall? Or is it a 90 long? How did you decide on this size?
I am planning to put in my two damsels, flame angel, sixline wrasse, and also my new bicolor blenny and blue fairy wrasse from my 25 gallon QT. Lastly I am going to purchase a Majestic angel to put in there.....they get about 10 inches or so and I may have to go bigger in a few years or trade him in, but I really want one larger show-piece fish in the tank. I have read that this angel is one of the most passive and least territorial of the large angels.


Active Member
I agree with FB, but I must chime in. You are really dealing with no pressure for your tanks. I used to run the maintenance department at an industrial plant so I dealt with hydraulics and many other systems. An aquarium is what I would call an open ended system as opposed to a closed loop system. So you do not have to worry about the pressure issue.
Now comes to the installation issue. with PVC you have to be fairly precise with your measurements. (Measure twice, cut once) However with the flexible tubing you obviously have much more lee way with your measurements. If you are worried about the hose coming off just make sure to buy a hose barb and a hose clamp. You will have no problems if you use a hose clamp.
If you need anything else I would be more than willing to help you.


I quick suggestion. If you do use PVC, make sure you install break joints. What I mean by that is don't use straight glued PVC, insert, before and after the pump pressure joints. If you ever have to replace the pump, or breakdown your system, it will be a life saver