Pump difference


whats the difference between submersable and in-line pumps? i understand how they work and all that, but why would some one choose one over the other??


Originally Posted by hckycoz
whats the difference between submersable and in-line pumps? i understand how they work and all that, but why would some one choose one over the other??
Generally, larger pumps produce more heat. Most people do not want this excess heat transfering to the water.
I would think external pumps may be louder, but have no personal experience with this.
Spacing in a tank stand OR sump/fuge can also effect the choice of submersible or external.
Those are the main differences I am aware of. I just bought a Mag7 submersed and it runs great and quiet.


I just bought a mag7 as well, however I haven't set it up yet. Can I connect the pump both in-line (I take it this means outside) as well as sit inside the sump (submersed) without damaging the pump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by barebucta
I just bought a mag7 as well, however I haven't set it up yet. Can I connect the pump both in-line (I take it this means outside) as well as sit inside the sump (submersed) without damaging the pump?
No, the mag drive pumps are not designed for inline (outside water) use.
The main difference with the inlines is that they generally are far more efficient and usually more powerful. They can get up to 2000GPH!!!! Unfortunately, usually louder but they don't transfer much heat to the water.


Originally Posted by cmack
Actually, MAG pumps CAN be run external/In-Line.
yes that is what i was going to say the are ment for eaither or.


Active Member
I own a Danner 9.5... The MFG. care and operating instructions and box indicate both inline and submersible, Fresh and Salt water They make no recommendation either way.
I know what Grog is referring to, there is a Online Mega store the has a note on the Website about no inline Salt, but the MFG doesn't note it in their instructions.
Now there is a little slip of paper on product update they throw in the box that you don't see on the WEB sites. It state you "Must remove the impeller assembly approx every 6 weeks in order to remove Calcium and Mineral deposits using the following procedures; Blah blah blah. This is on Saltwater or Hardwater Applications."
Anyway, I have mine submerged....
PS the Mega site has the fitting sizes wrong, also. They are 3/4" threaded on both ports


ok so what i haved gathered from this is that in-line are more expensive and make more noise.
so why would some one actually buy one?


Active Member
I don't have a in-line, but what I also got out of the thread was less heat transfer to tank water, higher volume options, and one not mentioned that I think would be diassembly and removing for cleaning; easier? less messy? The big question I have are the external only models more reliable?


The biggest thing about external is the volume of water that they can move. Most external pumps are air cooled allowing them to move more water i.e. they can be bigger becasue they are not sealed enclosures. And genreally you can get them with less amp draw verses a submersed pump with the same output.