pump help


New Member
getting ready to send under tank set up to cellar.
here is the skinny!!
170 gal reef tank top side
20 gal wet dry with 2 gravity drains and 1 pump
closed loop with 1 pump and canister filter.
total new lift approx.10'
would like to opperate 1 pump for whole system.
questions for the board --high or low presure pump
--how many gph
--220vac ok
--quality counts.
--is this request possible?
thanks don


No specific answers, but it seems doable and I recall reading of similar set-ups.
With a 10-foot head, you'll definately need a pump with a lot of muscle (Maybe something like an external pond-pump). As for which one, you'll need to consult the flow-charts for the specific pumps. They're often available on sites that sell pumps, and most certainly on the site of the manufacturer. They'll provide GPH rates at various heads, maybe even recommendation on size of pipe/hose.
As I understand it, you'll want the GPH at the head to be close to, but not in excess of what your overflow/drains are dropping out of the tank down to the sump.


Active Member
check out the dolphin pumps, they kick but for situations like these as ive seen them in action and you can als easily do 10" of head pressure!
they can pull 3200 GPH on olnly 1.0 amp, 4200 with 1.5 amps etc. which is pretty low! and they have no noise
check them out at dolphinpumpsdotcom
also you have a 170 gallon tankw ith only a 20 gallon sump? how much water do you push through it?
im curious to see with only 20 gallons how much GPH it can handle espeically with a cloose loop . i dont know how that would work with backwash but im curious to find out?