Well, my 750 is just about cycled! I figure another week or so (4 weeks to date) then I will be ready for the crabs and snails to clean the tank, before the "teeth" are introduced. This was the first time I cycled with dead shrimp and it appears to have done very well. Sure beats the neandrothal damsel/domino way Once my nitrites and trates drop to zero, in comes the crabs and snails. I'll continue to "feed" the tank while I give them a week or so to clean the sand etc. After that, in come the rays. 3-4 weeks later, in come the banded sharks. 3-4 weeks later the eel and Niger trigger. Any suggestions regarding the phasing order or must haves? Also, I am thinking about setting up a 55g with a sand bed and some lr to act as a breeding tank for the clean up crew. Is this possible? I assume I will needs lots of calc for shell development, right