Pumped! 750g is just about there!


Well, my 750 is just about cycled! I figure another week or so (4 weeks to date) then I will be ready for the crabs and snails to clean the tank, before the "teeth" are introduced. This was the first time I cycled with dead shrimp and it appears to have done very well. Sure beats the neandrothal damsel/domino way Once my nitrites and trates drop to zero, in comes the crabs and snails. I'll continue to "feed" the tank while I give them a week or so to clean the sand etc. After that, in come the rays. 3-4 weeks later, in come the banded sharks. 3-4 weeks later the eel and Niger trigger. Any suggestions regarding the phasing order or must haves? Also, I am thinking about setting up a 55g with a sand bed and some lr to act as a breeding tank for the clean up crew. Is this possible? I assume I will needs lots of calc for shell development, right


Active Member
wow man! i cant wait for this baby! do you have any pics? i wanna see this badboy with sharp teeth! i will never stick my hand in there
bye bye hand hello flesh


I know your concern. Even though I had this combination before, I know its not a guarantee that it will work this time. I figure if it doesn't not work out, I will simply put him in my 55g that I was going to set up as a holding tank for my crabs etc. I am going to add the rays and sharks first, to increase the odds of success


Active Member
Sounds amazing. What are the dimensions of your 750? What species of sharks and rays are you going to get and how many? What are you doing for filtration?
I would also love to see some pics of the tank.

eric b 125

this sounds like a great tank-to-be! sharks and rays? can't beat it man, that's every boys dream. what kind and how many? are you/did you hatch the sharks yourself or are you buying pups? that's going to be quite the bioload once they get bigger, eh?