Pumps for protein skimmer


Hey all I'm looking into getting an MR-2 protein skimmer for my 140 gallon tank. Was told earlier that I would need a pump to shoot the water into the skimmer (pressure pump?) and a return pump back to the tank. I'm gonna go with a external return pump so that water temperature will not be an issue and I really don't wanna skimp on the pumps in regards to quality. Any ideas? Thanks!


Active Member
Use either a MAG 18, Iwaki 55 RLT, MAK 4 pump. I copied that off their website. Also you only need one pump, not 2.


Active Member
I have an Iwaki too. They're great. I've heard good things about a Mag Drive as well.


Is the skimmer in a sump? If so I use a Mag 7 for my skimmer and a Dolphin DP1200 for a return. Love them both. If you are refering to a HOB skimmer I don't know anything about them.