Pumps/Powerhead in Rockwork


I've read a few threads about hidding a pump/powerhead in the rockwork. What are the benefits of doing this? Seems like it would help with eliminating dead spots in the water movement, but also sounds like it would kick up sand easier. Let me know if I am totally wrong!


Active Member
My next tank setup will probably have a network of piping under the sandbed so that I can direct flow throughout the rock work without the need to have powerheads hanging inside the aquarium. If done right having a sandstorm won't be an issue. You just need a way to control and direct the flow so it is not blowing the sand around, you can use locline to make the nozzles mobile and allows for future expansion without completely dismantling the tank. Also you can put a valve on each nozzle so that you can control the amount of flow from each one.