purle jelly substance of substrate


New Member
purple jelly substance on substrate,40 gal,0's except nitrate 20-40ppm,cleaner crew,percula clown,duster,plate(heliofungia),65lbs.lr,over 10 watts/gal. not worried just wondering!


If you are not already you should start to use RO water. I was having a devil of a time with red slime. Switched to RO water, and after i got rid of the origial it has not come back. BUT it is really hard to get rid of. I used a product called erase and it worked really well. It kills off some of the other algae too, but it gets rid of the slime.
Good luck


New Member
I usually use the water tap purifier,a week ago though I had to buy some distilled from the store,hope this was the only problem.


it is red slime :( but not to worry :rolleyes: you can clean it up with a partial water change, use phosegaurd and also a tablet of maracyn (freshwater), it is reef safe and invert safe as well :D add 1 tablet once a week for 3 weeks.... then do another water change, and be sure to have a good filtration system, and water flow.... watch the over feedings!!!! ;) good luck


New Member
thanx,and no money amount matters when it comes to my underwaterworld. two words or one,who cares!