Purp tang/ick update ... help pls


I think I've won the ick battle however now my lil guy has small white blotches that I think are scars? Should I add Myacine (sp) for infection?
picture isn't too great but it shows the blotches a bit :
<a href="http://community.webshots.com/user/rebel122" target="_blank">http://community.webshots.com/user/rebel122</a>
its in the hospital folder


Staff member
I really can't see any blotches in that pic. How did you treat ick? What do the blotches look like? Is it like scales that have eroded away exposing the skin beneth?
Don't add any medication at this point, until we can identify the problem, however, you can feed your fish garlic soaked food. Garlic has a mild antibacterial element to it.
Give more details on the "scars". Where exactly are they located and how many, size?


I treated Ick with copper - Paracure - (didn't do hypo due to no refractometer and didn't want to mess up). The blotches vary in size from ick size to a lil bigger. I'd guess the biggest is about 2mm. Not all are rounded - none uniform is size or shape. They appeared about 2 days after ick dissappeared. I kept the copper treatment going for a week. Its swimming/eating/breathing fine just looks war torn. Color is faded some and the blotches. I'm pretty sure the blotches are where the ick was, well, it was covered with ick and now this new thing. Stopped copper x3days wondering if this might be secondary infection or scaring. Is it common for this after a ick bout?


Terry, can you give me an explaination of these two chemicals."Maracyn-Two,Nitrofurazone" I have'nt had a diease problem (knock on wood) yet, but if I do should I keep a supply in case? I have Cupramine on hand, but know that I know about hypo, I don't think i'll ever use it.


Staff member
Maracyn-Two & Nitrofurazone are antibiotics. If your LFS carries either, then I wouldn’t stock up until you know you need it because antibiotics have a shelf life. However, if neither are readily available at the LFS, then you might want to keep some on hand.
As for the tang problem, Terry is right to be concerned if you did not keep daily readings on the copper levels or if you terminated the copper treatment too soon. You may be seeing a resurgence of the ick. It may also just be scars as you said. It could be ick that has remained imbedded in your fish's flesh, impervious to the treatment you gave it.
Give us some details as to what you did for treatment and, in the meantime, do start doing the garlic soaked treatment.


I did copper treatment for 2 weeks and kept levels checked twice daily. Was always adding to keep at .3. The ick dissapeared and color came back and all looked good. Then umm maybe 2 days after ick was gone these scars? showed up. The fish was still in copper treatment during this. I'd guess it was in copper treatment 4 days after the 'scars' appeared and then I stopped the copper. It seems fine just looks like it was in a battle. was at the front of the tank tonight waiting for me to feed it even and devoured the food!
If I didn't run the copper treatment long enough, would I be better off using hypo? Think I'll order a refractometer tonight.


The marks are all over its body - face, body, and fins. Well upper fin the tail and yellow side fins are fine. There is a slight buldge like a knot about right in the center of its body. There seems to be a line from right behind each eye down to the jawline. This has just appeared today and it doesn't follow the gill- its straighter. Its also the same greyish color as the other spots.


I was reading my book on ich and tangs, because our blue tang recently bit the dust. it says that after the ich falls off they develope a cauliflower look to them, but not to worry because in time this will heal.. hope this helps who knows!!!!! ;)


I have the same problem as mentioned above. My two hippo tangs came down with ich about 3 days after introducing them to my tank. They didnt lose their appetite, and they didnt act sick in the slightest bit. I started treating with a product called CopperSafe. It is safe to use with shelled invertabrates. It has been about 2 weeks now. I have kept the copper at treatment level and the ich seems to have cleared up alot, but is not completely gone yet. Should I continue to treat with the copper, or should I take another route?
My tank consists of 2 hippo tangs, 3 percula clowns, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 decorator crab, and 3 red hermits. Throughout this whole ordeal, not one fish has even slightly lost their appetite. THey all seem to be doing fine and none of the clowns haved shown any sign of ich. Im sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place because I do not know what to do at this point, and I would hate to lose my fish.
My tank:
92 gallon bow front
80 degrees
salinity 1.019 (less stress on fish)
about 100 lbs rock (not live rock)
crushed coral and dolomite base
all levels are perfect
ANY help would be more than appreciated. THanks.