purple algae stuff


New Member
hello my cc for the last 2 weeks has been getting these large round purplish colored crusty stuff on top of it. whenever i stir it up, it doesnt really disappear it just rolls up kinda. i have been using tap water for water changes but starting tomorrow i will be using ro/di. can anyone tell me what this is. thanks in advance


could be red slime I had it once it looked like velvet I bought some red slime remover from my lfs and got read of it.


yes I used it with my corals. you will need to remove the carbon. it will make the water turn yellow. wait untill the time for the dosage is up then do a 10% water change.put the carbon back in and the yellow tint will disapear. I have had no return of the red slime. when I do my water changes I let the pick end pick up the cc and suck all the trash out of it this helps it stay clean.


i had that stuff too in our tank how is the water flow ? we added 1 more power head and the more water movement helped get rid of it and had not had any more sence might try that before adding chems