purple alge spreading every where


purple alge from live rock is spreading on all other objects ,shells,fake plant
looks kool but should i be worried ie bloom?also coral banded shrimp sheded
exo skell for the second time, 1month in tank norm?scare the !-#$ outa me
thought it was dead .any one know?


Active Member
coralline spreading and shrimp molting is a sign that you have a good calcium level. coralline algae is considered a good thing by most. the biggest question....why do you have "fake plants" in your saltwater tank?


If this is the hard crusty coraline algae than it is good
the purple algae is normal, expected and considered good. If you dont like the look you just need to scrap it off of the glass and other items. if you do this in the tank however it may increase it spreading
if this is more of a slimy plant like algae that you can rub off with your hands than it is not so good. probably cynobacteria and means new tank, high nutrients, to much light generally, if its like this let me know ill find the post that explains how to get rid of it for you


I am assuming the purple algea is coaline. If that is the case you are fine. It is a bit unusual to have it going that good so soon. If its not coraline, you are in the middle of what sounds like an algea bloom. This is also the norm on a new tank. As far as the shrimp, that is normal as well.


i started out with a fake plant and dont laugh 1/2 a plastic ship

couldnt afford total lr starting up. ships gone still have fake plant cause
three stripe likes to hang out in it .do you recomend any safe plants to
grow that dont over take every thing ? the alge seems grity thanks for the input