Purple Anthelia HELP!!


Hi all, I got this coral last week and it was looking great, then I noticed this morning it was starting to disappear or die off. I just got all new Salifert test kits in and used them to test my levels and they are as follows....
PH 8.2
Ammo. 0ppm
Trites 0ppm
Trates between 25-50 on color chart (been working on it)
Salinity 1.025
Cal 440
dkh 11
phos 0.5 ( high I know, ordered a phosban reactor from 2LF, should be in today with phosban.) found out to rinse frozen food and watch the flake food.
I did a 6g water change this morning and also did 6g yesterday morning. My tank is a 55g with about 55lbs LR ( 25 lbs cured LR from SWF for over a month and put it in the tank last week, all read 0 on the LR b4 I put it in the tank.)
Tank was a FOWLR for about a year then decided to add some coral. I have 20 Nass. snails and 20 astira/turbo snails (I have noticed the past week the turbo were on the LR that the coral is on and I asumed they were cleaning it since I just put in the tank last week.) Yesterday I saw a piece of the coral floating in the water (thought it might be spreading) The color of the coral is still nice and purple but the coral seems to be disappering. Any ideas what is going on? I have a green and orange Ric and they are doing fine. Thanks. Pic are b4 and now...


From the photos its almost looks like Xenia....but anyways ...im assuming it has some type of infection...if you ever see something like this happening again ...dip the coral in a bath with iodine...it will help clean the coral....or case to you can actully do freshwater dips on corals as well...just make sure the temp and PH is the same..or you'll do more harm then good.... I like the iodine method better ..because its in the same water he was living it....but just with a disinfectant.
Sorry about your loss.


I just took a real close look at the LR that my coral is on and at the bottom of the LR in a hole the is this white thing and it has these LOOOOONG white things I guess tentacles that are about the size of a strand of hair that keep coming out and go back into the rock, they can reach real far to other pieces of LR, could this be what is killing my coral, is it something that you think is bad? Way to hard to get a pic of. Please help! should I just take the pieces or LR out that the coral is on and toss it, to be safe?


My guess on the tentacles you see it may be a chaetopterid worm. Here is a pic for your id pleasure.


Is this thing bad? The thing I have is white and it is stuck in a hole in the LR and it has a bunch of these white tentacles that shoot out and back in and can reach real far across to other LR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
My guess on the tentacles you see it may be a chaetopterid worm. Here is a pic for your id pleasure.
I agree with Thomas and if thats what your seeing, they are benefical to your tank.BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS :jumping: 2 days early


Usually this worm only has the two clear-white milky looking tentacles, how many are you seeing?
Oh and thanks misfit!


I am seeing a bunch of them. They look like jellyfish tentacles and they shoot out and stretch real far and the tentacles even curl up like ribbon. Any other ideas.


here is the best pic I could get. the the main part in the circle is where the tentacles come out of. and no idea what a spaggettie worm is


now that is more like it, but it lives in a hole in the LR and all these white hair like strands come out and then go back into the hole. Is this a bad thing, do I need to remove it? Thank Thomas


Its probably the terribellid worm, no they are not harmful at all.
Numerous elongate mouth tentacles, up to three pairs of anterior gills, often branched. Neurosetal uncini only posteriorly. Terebella, Polycirrus, Amphitrite, Lanice. They feed on and build its tube out of particles it gathers from the surrounding area. When feeding, the worm extends its tentacles out over the bottom for a distance several times the length of its body. Each tentacle forms a long groove. Sediment with food particles is transferred to the groove. It is then carried down the groove by thousands of moving hairs (cilia) to lips in the mouth region.Some particles are eaten, others form, and still others are tube building material, or rejected.


Active Member
Tinydove......not To Hijack The Thread, But Where In Leh Are You? I Live In Galloway Now But Ive Lived In Barnegat For 25 Years And I Have Family In Leh. It Would Be Cool If We Could Hook Up And Maybe Do Some Trades In The Future.


Thanks, it is stuck in the small rock and only it's tentacles come out. The tentacles are real long. some get as long as a 12" and they are real thin. So this is a good thing then and it will not hurt my fish or corals. Could it sting or harm me?


While your on the subject I had plenty of relitives from LEH, they are still listed in the Quaker monthly meeting records. Course that was 100 years ago or more.