purple coraline bleeching out


I had a pretty good growth of purple coraline algea that seems to be washing out or bleeching out. I did raise my calcium up to 425-450 from 380-390, all other perameters are good. the tank has been up and running since the beginning of the year. The lighting has not changed. Wondering if the change in calcium has made the differance or this is just a normal cycle ? Thanks for the in put.


How quickly is it bleacing? the only time i saw this happen on my tank was right afte a water change-- my purple coraline bleached white in about 5 hrs. turned out the 'distilled' water is used wasn't distilled at all-had a very high ammonia content. you mentioned that your paramaters are ok-- what are all your water levels? bleacvhing coraline is usually an indication of it dying off